Judging Criteria & Procedure

Criteria Innovation

Our focus is on projects that address real-world challenges or improve existing situations through the novel application of AI and Web3 technologies. Participants must clearly define the specific issue their project tackles, the intended user base, and how their solution stands out in terms of originality and practicality.

Technical Proficiency

It’s essential to demonstrate significant technical achievements within your project, or outline your implementation plans that create a competitive edge.

Examples of such advantages could include the assembly of substantial, high-quality, domain-specific datasets for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) or the sophisticated fine-tuning of your Large Language Models (LLMs).

Merely deploying an open-source LLM does not constitute a unique contribution.

Commercial Viability

Participants should present a well-considered forecast of their project's economic model and communicate a clear, achievable plan for its realization.

While the unique attributes of Web3 are recognized, the assessment will initially focus on the user adoption and monetization strategy of the AI component.

EMC is committed to collaboratively developing the Web3 economic aspects of your project.

User Experience

The project should be designed with the end-user in mind—simple to comprehend within minutes and compelling enough to generate genuine excitement.

Consideration of the user's interaction and overall satisfaction with the product is paramount.

Overall Impression

While we maintain these criteria to guide our assessment, they are not rigid. The essential factor is the real value your project brings.

If you have a project that you believe makes a meaningful impact, join us at EMC. We're here to support your growth and amplify your success.

Detailed scoring plan to be announced……


PHASE 1: Projects will be divided evenly among pairs of judges for evaluation.

PHASE 2: Final winners picked in Phase 2 by all judges.

Last updated