EMC Model Cloud

EMC Cloud Core Features:

1. GPU Cloud Computing Resources

Developers only need to upload their docker images to EMC Cloud,after deployment,computing will be done in EMC’s nodes.

2. Easy to use

Simple deployment, Web UI to interact directly with deployed images.

3. Cost-free

EMC provides free computing power for developers participating in Hackathon.


1. EMC Cloud Account

Request an account through the link below, you need to provide your team and project information. You can also apply for other computing resources if needed, such as bare-metal machine.

Computing Power Demand

2.Docker Image For Uploading

As a developer, you should begin by packaging your AI model and its dependencies into docker image. You can also use your existing docker image in Docker Hub if any.

3. Signed up in Hackathon

Make sure you have already signed up and created a team in the Hackathon Website.

EMC Cloud Workflow

Deployment Guideline

Step 1: Login

Go to https://cloud.emchub.ai/ and login to EMC Cloud using your account.

Step 2: Upload Docker Image

Start by pressing "add" button.

You should fill in these information accordingly:

Model Name: Name of your model

App Origin: This field has to be unique

Store Type & Docker Image: You will provide your docker image source here.

If you are using "upload-file", you could directly upload your docker image.

If you are using "docker-hub", paste the tag of your docker-image in this field. This method is recommended.

API Doc Type: Your API documents,you could provide through online docs or upload it.

IDL : Your interface definition file.

Step 3: Create A New Job

Go to "Job" Page and press "add" to create a new job.

Select your docker image which created in previous step, and choose an available node pool from the list. Then click "OK", by doing this, your docker image will be distributed to the nodes in the pool you selected.

Normally you will have 1-2 allocated nodes in your account, feel free to contact us if you need more nodes.

Step 4: Interact With Nodes

In "Jobs" page,click "allocations" in Action to view the nodes that are running your uploaded docker image. You could then enter the tool by pressing "Check" on nodes in your allocated node list.

You may also interact with your allocated nodes by utilizing the technical documents from EMC.

Last updated